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How to Verify a Professional's License in Huntsville?

Professional licensing in Huntsville is handled by several professional boards. These include, but are not limited to, the Alabama Board for Engineers and Land Surveyors, the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners and Medical Licensure Commission, and the Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors, which is responsible for licensing over 8000 contractors, including eligible contractors in Huntsville. When hiring a professional in Huntsville, you must ensure that the individual is qualified and licensed to do the job. To make sure of this, you should always verify the individual's license status. You can do this by contacting the agency that issued the professional license via their official telephone lines or by utilizing the agency's online license verification tool. For example, you can verify a Huntsville contractor's license by utilizing the Board for General Contractors' license roster search tool. Likewise, you can verify an engineering license by utilizing the Board for Engineers and Land Surveyors' credential verification tool, and a medical professional's license via the Board of Medical Examiners and Medical Licensure Commission's online license verification system.

In addition to verifying a professional's license, residents of Huntsville must also ensure that this individual obtains the appropriate permit for the job. For example, before carrying out a home improvement or construction work in Huntsville, your contractor or project developer must receive the approval of the Zoning Administrator and obtain a building permit from the city's Inspection Department. You can contact the Huntsville Inspection Department for all permit-related queries by calling (256) 427-5336.

Alabama Contractor License Search:

Do Huntsville Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

No, neighborhood associations, homeowners associations, and civic associations in Huntsville do not issue building permits. These types of associations are typically created by members of the same community to solve problems that affect their community. They provide solutions to a variety of public health, safety, and developmental issues via methods like advocacy, donations, volunteering, and implementation of covenants or bylaws guiding land use and zoning, as well as home improvement or construction work, in their respective neighborhoods. For example, the Westlawn Civic Association requires members to always submit plans and specifications showing the nature of a proposed home improvement or construction work to the association's Architectural Control Committee for approval. Likewise, the Five Points Historic Districts Association requires residents of the neighborhood to obtain approval from the Huntsville Historic Preservation Commission before carrying out any changes to their historic homes.

Note that neighborhood associations in Huntsville are typically required to elect at least one representative to the Huntsville Citywide Council of Neighborhood Associations (HCCNA). The HCCNA promotes participation and communication among neighborhood associations, elected representatives of the city, and Huntsville City staff in resolving neighborhood problems. Residents of Huntsville can find out more about the HCCNA, neighborhood association rules, meetings, and regulations online via the Huntsville Neighborhood Associations' official webpage.

How Do You File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Huntsville?

Consumer complaints in Huntsville are handled by the Consumer Interest Division of the Alabama Attorney General's Office. You can file a complaint with the division online, or by calling (334) 242-7335. Upon receiving your complaint, the Consumer Interest Division of the Alabama Attorney General's Office assigns the complaint to a Consumer Specialist for review, and the name and the contact information of this specialist will be sent to you via mail. This is to enable you to communicate any new information that may help resolve the complaint. The Consumer Interest Division typically resolves consumer complaints through a simple mediation process that involves both you and the business.

Note that the division can not serve as your private attorney, or provide you with legal advice. If you seek any of the aforementioned services, you can hire a qualified and licensed attorney. Likewise, residents of Huntsville that desire more than a simple mediation process can file a civil action against the business. You can file matters involving a total of $6, 000 or less in Madison County Small Claims Court. Lastly, you can also report complaints involving criminal offenses to the Huntsville Police Department by calling (256) 427-7100 or (256) 427-7020.